Continuum Library of Educational Thought: Michel Foucault by Lynn Fendler download DOC, MOBI, EPUB
9781847060884 1847060889 A major international reference series providing comprehensive accounts of the work of seminal educational thinkers from a variety of periods, disciplines and traditions., Michael Foucault is undisputedly a major thinker in education. Lynn Fendler's volume offers the most coherent account of Foucault's educational thought. This work is divided into: 1) Intellectual Bibliography 2) Critical exposition of Foucault's work 3) The reception and influence of Foucault's work 4) The relevance of the work today Book jacket.
9781847060884 1847060889 A major international reference series providing comprehensive accounts of the work of seminal educational thinkers from a variety of periods, disciplines and traditions., Michael Foucault is undisputedly a major thinker in education. Lynn Fendler's volume offers the most coherent account of Foucault's educational thought. This work is divided into: 1) Intellectual Bibliography 2) Critical exposition of Foucault's work 3) The reception and influence of Foucault's work 4) The relevance of the work today Book jacket.